lördag 9 april 2011

Home alone!

Or at least almost, on wednesday afternoon fourteen horses left Jonstorp for Skyrup in the south of Sweden. So the only ones left at home is Tore, Räven, Tamina and me!
I had a nice week- end except for the wind thats been horrible, the door to stable fell off yesterday and today I had to clean the outdoor from about a hundred branches before I could start to ride. The horses have at least been behaving well, even though they have been very fresh in the wind!
In Skyrup things have also been going well. For the young horses its the first time showing outdoors and the first time jumping 1,20. Both Malin and Jenny seems to be very happy with them, the goal this year is to try to qualify them for Falsterbo.
The older ones have also been doing good, Malin said the ring is huge so it must be quite a difference from jumping inside! '
I continiued my clipping mission and now Tore and Räven are looking good and ready for Paris!

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