torsdag 31 mars 2011

A good week-end in Den Bosch

We had a really good show in Den Bosch, Tore was placed 10th and 7th in two classes and Räven was 6th in his World Cup debut, he jumped an amazing double clear!
Now we have three really good horses Tore, Räven and Actrice that can jump the biggest classes, not bad!
Den Bosch is probably one of the nicest indoorshows, the only downside is the late nights but with only two horses there I had quite a nice week-end.
On my way down to the Netherlands I also had Turmalin (Tores five year old son) with me. I stopped in Germany to show both him and Tornesch in Oldenburg and they both got approved! Turmalin stayded there over the week-end to take part in a stallion show, and everybody loved him! Picked him up on my way back so now he´s back home with us again.
The best thing when I got back home was that allmost all the snow is gone, finally its starting to feel like spring up here as well!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi! i want ask something. What is Räven real name? name what she/he us in competitions? :)

  2. Rävens real name is Reveur de hurtebise :)
